A brief introduction to dental veneers treatment

A brief i…

Veneers are specialised coverings that are fitted over the front surface of your teeth. The procedure requires generous contribution from skilled dental technicians, who prepare this range of dental restorations. High grade dental materials like porcelain and composite are used to prepare dental veneers. Composite that is used in the making comes in the colour of the tooth. These are also known as tooth veneers and these dental restorations are cosmetic in nature. Veneers are meant to cover up or mask a range of aesthetic imperfections of your teeth like –

  • Discoloured tooth or teeth
  • Cracks, chips and gaps in the tooth and much more

How veneers work

In plain and easy words you can say veneers work by camouflaging your dental aesthetic flaws, explains a dentist with years of experience in providing the treatment cheap veneers in London. Veneers cover up the front surface of your teeth and as a result your smile gets automatically enhanced.

Who are dental veneers for?

Dental veneers treatment is meant for anyone who wants to enhance the appearance of his or her smile. This type of dental restorations proves effective in hiding a number of dental cosmetic issues like – chipped or broken teeth, gaps or spaces between the teeth (in dental terms it is called disatema) and stains on the teeth that do not clear away with teeth whitening. In addition to that the dental restorations can also take care of the teeth that are too small and make those appear much larger and proportionate to make your smile beautiful. It also covers up your misshapen teeth.

However it is important to note that dental veneers are your viable option only if your mouth is free from extensive cavities and gum disease. If you have any serous oral health issue then it is always important to address and cure those issues first on priority basis before going for any cosmetic dentistry treatment.

Dental veneers versus crowns

It is easy to confuse between dental crowns and veneers as far as common people are concerned. Both are dental restorations but of two distinct types.

Different types of veneers

There are varieties of dental veneers available these days. These include the following –

  • Composite veneers
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Removable veneers and
  • No prep veneers, etc

Composite veneers – If you ask any dentist why they rely on composite veneers they will give you this answer although in different words. It is easy to hide or mask mild cosmetic flaws in your teeth with composite veneers. The treatment involves use of composite resin which comes in the colour of the tooth. The procedure proves efficient in bringing desired results. Tooth coloured composite resin is used in composite veneers treatment which is actually the same material that is used in dental bonding procedure.

Porcelain veneers – In simple and plain words porcelain veneers can correct a number of imperfections related to the aesthetics of your teeth and the smile. This range of veneer restoration restorations is custom fitted for your dental anatomy. However this procedure requires filing away a portion of the natural enamel structure of your teeth. Filing away of the tooth enamel roughens the surface of the tooth and thus the new veneers fit better in place explains a dentist who charges reasonable cost for veneers treatment in London.

No prep veneers – This variety of veneers is also known by another name – minimal prep veneers. Just like porcelain veneers discussed above no prep or minimal prep veneers are also custom fitted to enhance your smile. Compared to conventional veneer treatment this one requires less removal of the natural enamel structure of the tooth. This variety of veneers is not universally for everyone. Therefore you should better consult your dentist before signing up for the treatment.

Removable veneers – Removable veneers are also known by different names like snap on veneer and pop on veneer. This treatment is effective hiding imperfections of your natural teeth. As its name suggests, you can take out your removable veneers any time. Therefore, you can say that it is somewhat similar to orthodontic retainers in that way. The best thing about this variety of restorations is it enhances your smile to a large extent. However on the downside it makes eating difficult and even makes a bad impact on your speech. These restorations are new in the market and hence not much information is available yet.

Benefits of dental veneers

The average price of dental veneers in the UK ranges from £500 to £1500 per tooth. Dental veneers offer a number of benefits including the following –

  • These restorations easily blend with your natural teeth to provide absolutely realistic and convincing results.
  • If there is any way to bring about dramatic enhancement in your smile then it is certainly dental veneers treatment.
  • Veneers are more resistant to staining than the natural teeth.
  • There is no additional maintenance required for your veneered teeth.
  • With proper care and maintenance these dental restorations easily last up to 15 years.

Dental veneers disadvantages

Dental veneers also include few disadvantages like –

  • You end up losing a portion (although significant) of your tooth enamel and this loss is an irreversible loss which is not possible to compensate in rest of your life.
  • There are several varieties of veneers that are non reversible.
  • A veneer may become loose and fall off warns a dentist working at the renowned Bayswater Dental Clinic in London.
  • The treatment may result in making your teeth sensitive to hot and cold.
  • The majority of dental insurances do not cover dental veneers because it is by and large a cosmetic treatment.    
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